Akemi's Anime World

Trigun 2nd Donut Happy Pack Song Lyrics

Drama Tracks Translation

These are rough English translation of various drama (non-music vocal) tracks from the 2nd Trigun soundtrack album. All translations by AAW. If you're looking to buy the CD, here's the Amazon page: Trigun, Vol. 2: The Second Happy Donut.

Track 1: "Love And Peace"

It's in (somewhat odd) English. A transcript:

"New wave gun action. Trigun Second Donuts Service Pack. Musiced by Tsuneo Imahori. Brand new, new, new member. Nice to meet you, have a nice day. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, please appeal for mankind. Love and peace! Love and peace! Love and peace! Love and peace! Love and peace! Love and peace, ha ha."

Note, incidentally, that "service" is a word borrowed from English into Japanese, but the meaning is somewhat different--it usually means "free," as in a free bonus when shopping. That's why it seems particularly out-of-place here.

Track 4: "West Slang"

The basic joke in this skit is that everybody but Wolfwood is speaking in a very strong Osaka dialect; Wolfwood uses a slightly effeminate (or at least "un-masculine") Tokyo dialect. People from Osaka are known for making fun of the Tokyo dialect because people who speak it "sound like women," and here everyone is making fun of Wolfwood because of his accent. In the actual series, of course, it's the other way around--everybody else speaks more or less standard Japanese, while Wolfwood uses the Osaka dialect.

A rough translation is provided here, but it really isn't funny unless you understand the two dialects; English doesn't have that much in the way of "feminine" language, and the Tokyo dialect that Wolfwood is using isn't all that feminine anyway--if anything the funnier part is hearing everybody else use an Osaka dialect. I've tried to show a bit of the difference by using a sort of western accent for the Osaka-speak, although that's not quite the correct image.

Finally, a quick explanation of two untranslatable jokes: In the skit Wolfwood refers to himself as "boku," a relatively humble, masculine form of "I" that is quite common, but sounds very out of place for an "Osaka tough guy" like him. He also adds "jan" to the end of several sentences, another very common thing, but it can sound a tad feminine (or at least not manly, depending on context) and is very "un-Osaka."

Wolfwood: And before I realized it, I was in Osaka. Nothing I could do about it, Osaka. Osaka is nice, isn't it?
Vash: Well, if it ain't Wolfwood. Wha'cha doin' hangin' 'bout these parts?
Wolfwood: Oh, Mr. Vash, it's been a while. Three months since we last met. Did you get to see Knives?
Vash: ...
Wolfwood: What is it?
Vash: Friggin' creepy!
Wolfwood: Huh?
Vash: Yer... what's up wit' the plain dialect?
Wolfwood: You think so?
Vash: Cut that out! Yer' givin' me a chill!
Wolfwood: It isn't like that. I'm normal.
Vash: Good lord, man, what happend to your Osaka soul!
Milly: Hey, you two, what're two guys doin' talking to each other?
Vash: Check this out, Meryl! Wolfwood's talkin' like some kinda cross-dresser! He's all "boku" "boku."
Wolfwood: I'm quite normal. How rude, Vash.
Meryl: Eew! Friggin' creepy!
Wolfwood: Huh?
Meryl: Wha's with you talkin' plain dialect?
Wolfwood: Is it odd?
Meryl: Gives me the willies!
Milly: What's ever'body doin'?
Meryl: Wolfwood's gone weird, Milly. He's got Tokyo on the brain! Gets just a wee bit popular, and he's all high falutin' 'bout it. Man, I'm hurt--thought you was a friend.
Wolfwood: I'm quite alright, Milly. My suit is still black. Look, I still have a big cross right here. I'm the same sociable Wolfwood as always! The same Wolfwood you all know.
Milly: Eew! Friggin' creepy!
Wolfwood: Huh?
Milly: Yer' talkin' standard dialect?
Wolfwood: Is... there something wrong with me?
Milly: That's no good... it's plain wrong!
Legato: What's everybody doing gawkin' smack dab in the middle of the road? Somebody drop 3,000,000 yen or somethin'?
Milly: Legato! Wolfwood's gone spoilt! He's all "somethin' or other 'jan'" and stuff. It's messed up! You traitor against Osaka!
Wolfwood: I'm not saying that! [ittenai jan!]
Legato: "Nai jan"?
Wolfwood: That's right. [So jan.]
Legato: Ugh. Friggin' creepy.
Wolfwood: Eh?
Legato: Wha's up with you speaking standard dialect?
Wolfwood: Come on everybody, don't look at me that way! [jan!]
Legato: Heh heh, Wolfwood's plain broke'.
Knives: Hey over there, ain't that Wolfwood? It's me, Knives!
Wolfwood: Ah...
Knives: Ugh! Friggin' creepy!
Wolfwood: I didn't even say anything!
Knives: Usin' standard dialect! Totally friggin' creepy!
Wolfwood: What's up with all you guys? Is it that much fun to be mean to me?
Knives: All kindsa fun!
Meryl: Shore is!
Milly: I can't stop laughin'!
Knives: Man, that's somethin' ya' don't see every day!
Wolfwood: You're all meanies! I'm gonna start hating you all if you don't stop!
Wolfwood: Don't look at me that way!
Wolfwood: You call yourselves friends?!
Wolfwood: Don't laugh! Don't laugh!

Track 6: "The Black Cat"

Legato: I heard the black cat was born.
Cat: Meow.
Legato: The black cat seems happy.
Cat: Meow.
Legato: The black cat seems sad.
Cat: Meow.
Legato: The black cat's leg seems to be itchy.
Cat: Meow.
Legato: It has fleas.
Cat: Meow.


Cat: Meow.

Track 8: "Trigun Maximum"

Vash: We are drops of water... raindrops falling from the sky... being burnt fiercely by the sun of this sandy world... we will dry up one day. Although we are under a big umbrella now, we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Only God knows what the future holds. We are drops of water... raindrops falling from the sky... blown in the wind of this sandy world... soon to soak into the ground.

Wolfwood: Ah, my life in which I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I will live, live, live, only live! To you, who views this kind of life with a philosophical eye...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

Milly: It's tough having too much work again today!
Meryl: I wonder if we're just getting old while we keep working like this...
Milly: That kind of life is sad, isn't it?
Meryl: It's too sad...

Wolfwood: To you, living a drab office lady lifestyle, who've gotten tired of that ordinary lifestyle and seek a drastic change in your life...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

Man: Boy, reading this makes me feel good. The hero... who was it again... right, Vash... Vash The Stampede. He's sure cool. If he were real, I'd want to hold him. Heh... yeah, right... yeah right.

Wolfwood: To perverted you, across the tightly bound height of the threshold, with casual talk and cool dialogue that kind devil in a red coat whispers love to you...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

Wolfwood: When you open its cool cover, countless tricks to make you chuckle to yourself lie prepared...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

???: I have been forced to be silent for a year and a half.

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

Wolfwood: Aimed at the youth of the '90s, near-future science fiction, new wave gun action...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

All 192 pages of it are guaranteed to put you in high spirits...

Legato and Meryl: Trigun Maximum.

Legato (?): This night, love and peace to you...

Legato and Meryl: I'm glad I was able to read it.


Track 11: "Blue Spring"

Wolfwood: Nice one, Vash. The ball's runnin' ain't it. That's what the Trigun Academy's reputation is about. Today's game is ours, right? Alright, everybody, let's wrap this up!
Team: "Yeah!"

Track 14: "Insurance #1" (Legato)

[knock, knock]

Meryl: Excuse me. I'm Meryl Strife of the Bernardelli Insurance Society.
Milly: ...and I'm Milly Thompson!
Meryl: Mr. Legato Bluesummers? You your insurance premium for this month has not been direct deposited yet, so we have come to collect it in person. Would you please open the door?

[knock, knock]

Milly: Do you think no one's home, ma'am?
Meryl: The electric meter's spinning. Of course he's pretending not to be home!


Meryl: Hello? Mr. Legato! Mr. Legato!
Legato: What is your hurry?
Meryl: Would that voice be Mr. Legato Bluesummers?
Legato: Yes... it is.
Milly: Were you sleeping?
Legato: No... I've been watching you through the peephole the whole time.
Meryl: In that case please hurry up and open the door.
Legato: What is your business here?
Meryl: You were watching the whole time, right? We're here to collect your insurance premium.
Milly: Please pay the entire amount!
Legato: Hm, hm, hm. This world will be destroyed by that person. Instead of doing this, I recommend you spend the life you have left meaningfully.
Meryl: What are you talking about?
Legato: How unfortunate for the two of you.
Meryl: It's because of your that we're this unfortunate.
Legato: That's enough.
Meryl & Milly: Huh?
Legato: I said, you may go.


Milly: Ah! Ma'am, my body's moving by itself...
Meryl: Moving away from the apartment by itself!
Legato: Hm, hm, hm. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Meryl: This is your doing, isn't it? Your insurance premium...
Milly: What a clever way of getting rid of people!
Meryl: This is no time to be impressed! Pay! Please pay your premium!

Track 16: "Insurance #2" (Wolfwood)

[knock, knock]

Meryl: Excuse me. I'm Meryl Strife of the Bernardelli Insurance Society.
Milly: ...and I'm Milly Thompson!
Meryl: Mr. Nicholas D. Wolfwood? You your insurance premium for this month has not been direct deposited yet, so we have come to collect it in person. Would you please open the door?

[knock, knock]

Milly: Do you think no one's home, ma'am?
Meryl: I can see through a gap in the door frame that he's laying down watching TV. He's just completely ignoring us.


Meryl: Hello? Mr. Wolfwood! Mr. Wolfwood!
Wolfwood: What? You girls are sure annoying...
Milly: It looks like you finally noticed us!
Meryl: You're Mr. Nicholas D. Wolfwood, right? We've come to collect your unpaid insurance premium.
Milly: Please pay the entire amount!
Wolfwood: Uh, oh... what a predicament.
Meryl: We're the ones in a predicament!
Wolfwood: Ok, this is all I have right now...
Meryl: Three Cecents...
Wolfwood: That's right. So, this coin is for you, this coin is for you, and this coin is for me. I'm sorry it's only a little, but is it ok?
Milly: Thank you very much! That's nice, isn't it ma'am?
Meryl: There's nothing nice about it! It's not even close!
Wolfwood: I don't have anything but that. Forgive me, ok? Please, beautiful ladies? Beautiful Ladies... beautiful... beautiful... beautiful...

Meryl: Um, I guess it can't be helped.
Wolfwood: Really? Thank you.
Meryl: Instead, you're going to pay two months' worth next month!
Wolfwood: I understand! Oh Lord, please be merciful to these merciful insurance ladies! I will [roha?] this play now. See ya.


Meryl: What a very honest person.
Milly: Ma'am, now that I look at his record, it looks like he hasn't paid for six months.
Meryl: Huh?!

[knock, knock]

Meryl: Please open the door! Pay your premium! Please pay!
Wolfwood: You guys, God's mercy is with you.
Meryl: That's fine, so PAY!

Track 18: "Insurance #3" (Vash)

[knock, knock]

Meryl: Excuse me. I'm Meryl Strife of the Bernardelli Insurance Society.
Milly: ...and I'm Milly Thompson!
Meryl: Mr. Vash the Stampede? You your insurance premium for this month has not been direct deposited yet, so we have come to collect it in person. Would you please open the door?

[knock, knock]

Milly: Do you think no one's home, ma'am?
Meryl: Of course he's pretending he's not here. If we don't collect *this* time, I have no idea what the department head will say to us!


Meryl: Hello? Mr. Vash! Mr. Vash!
Vash: Who're you guys?
Meryl: You're Mr. Vash the Stampede, right? We've come to collect your unpaid insurance premium.
Milly: Please pay the entire amount!
Vash: I don't have it.
Meryl: Huh?!
Vash: I don't have any money.
Milly: Really? But the data sheet says you're earning a lot of money being a bouncer and that sort of thing...
Vash: I donated all my money to bring love and peace. Besides, my work is like a rootless weed--it moves me from West To East. Having a lot of money is just a burden.
Meryl: You live in an apartment... what kind of a rootless weed is that?
Vash: You're sharp!
Milly: Please pay! The division head will get angry at us...!
Vash: I can't.
Meryl: Don't act so studly when you refuse!
Vash: Meryl... and above that, Milly, listen carefully. Someone who can't even be compared to the people we've met up to now has come. If I fight him... if the worst comes to pass... I don't know what might happen! Please! Run!


Milly: Ah! Mr. Vash!
Vash: Come on, run! Run so far that even if this place is destroyed, we'll survive! Ruuunnn...

Meryl: I let him get away. Why? I might have been caught off guard... Because this is the first time he's called me by my name...
Milly: He's gone, isn't he?

Cat: Meow.
Meryl: Aaaaah! I was enjoying his meaningless monologue and let him get away! We're going to chase him, Milly!
Milly: Ok, ma'am!
Milly?: Being an insurance agent is this hard!

Track 21: "Pierce"

Vash: Wolfwood...
Wolfwood: What, Vash?
Vash: I was thinking... why do people have to hate, have to kill each other? Why does this tragedy have to be repeated every day?
Wolfwood: What're you talking about? You can hear talk like that anywhere. Even a guy who has decided to be peaceful will pick up a gun if his relative gets done in. Am I wrong?
Vash: Ouch.
Wolfwood: What'd you do?
Vash: It's like... it pierces me.
Wolfwood: That so. Pierces you.

Vash: Then, Wolfwood.
Wolfwood: What, Vash?
Vash: I was thinking... Maybe I should search for some way so that nobody would be killed. Set out on a journey like that.
Wolfwood: What're you talking about? There ain't no way like that. Ya can't pick like that--if you're not willing to kill anybody, you can't save anybody. Good luck and the [grace of God]? will only get you so far. Am I wrong?
Vash: Ouch.
Wolfwood: What happened?
Vash: It's like... it pricks at me.
Wolfwood: That so. Pricks at you.

Vash: Then, Wolfwood.
Wolfwood: What, Vash?
Vash: I was thinking... If I could create a world where peaceful, ordinary life could continue, with no nitpicking or stealing, where people could just live as people.
Wolfwood: What're you talking about? On a dusty planet like this don't go talking about ideals. The reality is we depend on the Plants. If you don't face that, there's no way to answer you. You've got to come to grips with that.
Vash: Ouch.
Wolfwood: What happened?
Vash: It's like... it pierces me.
Wolfwood: That so. Pierces you.

Vash: Then, Wolfwood.
Wolfwood: What, Vash?
Vash: I think... What if, because of me, people are getting hurt? Maybe if I don't do anything, nobody would die.
Wolfwood: What're you talking about? Sitting around quietly never solved anything. Ignoring what's in front of you is the same as being dead. Move, then think: On the other side of that uncertainty lies truth.
Vash: Ouch.
Wolfwood: What happened?
Vash: It's like... it pierces me.
Wolfwood: That so. Pierces you.

Vash: Then, Wolfwood.
Wolfwood: What, Vash?
Vash: I had a dream. There was a planet where everything was terribly dry. Even people's hearts. I was watching the people living there from far away, and I keep thinking "Why do people go on living?"
Wolfwood: What're you saying? You're always such a serious guy. Keep thinking like that, and pretty soon you'll be an old man.
Vash: Ouch.
Wolfwood: What happened?
Vash: It's like... It pierces me.
Wolfwood: That so. Pierces you.

Legato: Thank you for the meal.
Vash: Ouch! He poked me!